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Everything Continues Explained

This story is going to be a mixture of magic and reality. Because my perception of the world is like that. Most of the time, magic is far away. But sometimes it becomes real. And its only the ones who are open for it that can see it. Of course, digesting high amounts of psychedelics do help. 

This story will be about or protagonist, we don’t know who he is yet. The story will form in the now. But it will also continue in the past. And we will dream about the future. You will not always understand everything. And the more you will understand, the less you will know. The story won’t be in any logical order and will contain some errors and mistakes. This is life, we should expect it the way it is. We can try to change it, and we do have to make it or own. 

Now, as the storyteller is an autodidact and just started to write. All your ideas and advice are welcome. We shape this world together. We have a collective feeling about it. As the online world has connected us back together. Just like we were connected at the start when we were all part of the same earth we come from. Everything continues in the now. The past always gets forgotten, and the future is a mystery. As we loop through our different life forms, we progress into intelligence. Singularity is coming, but first we need to reach consciousness. We don’t need to change anything about the universe. The universe knows what it’s doing. 

We shouldn’t be worried about what we will eat next, or if we will find love. But we always will. We shouldn’t fear death, loss is part of life. When we worry about our friends, we make them feel bad. When we worry about our planet, we are making it worse. We should do what we like and be with the people we like. And we should do this most of the time. If we all stop doing the things we don’t like and just start living in the present. Then we only have to worry about the simple things in life. Therefore, I present you this universal road map. With it, you will be able to navigate/ let go of the future and forget about the past. Find where you are right now in your loop. Then follow your dreams, and you will reach your K Hole faster. Like this, you will level up faster to a higher level.

Sometimes I may sound like I know it all. But it’s the opposite. I talk about my world and how I feel about it. So everything I say are my own thoughts and fears. I’m just sharing all my thoughts and experiences with you. It’s up to you what you do with them. Some of the tings are much easier said than done. Some are even impossible

The map is under construction but will soon be online.

This is the original map I made under the influence of psychedelics on Space Safari